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  • 2024-2025 Clubs and Activities 

    Academic Fairs Club-Mrs. Spaulding Sponsor, Room 608

    Meets Every Monday 3:15-4:15 pm

    If you are interested in participating in the Science, Social Studies or Literature Fair this year, this club is for you. This is your go-to space for information, guidance, designated time to work on your projects, and quick feedback. This club meets in room 608.

    Good News Bears Club-Mrs. Spaulding Sponsor, Room 608

    Meets Every Tuesday 3:15-4:15 pm

    This is a Christian-based after school club. We will have lessons, memory verses, Minute-2-Win games and crafts. Students must have written permission to attend due to it being a religious club. This club meets in room 608. Download the permission slip here.

    National Junior Honor Society-Ms. Amber Perry Advisor, Room 802

    Meets Every OTHER Thursday 3:15-4:15 pm

    National Junior Honor Society is a selected group of students that are clear representations of the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Students in the National Junior Honor Society give back to their community by participating in community service activities both inside and outside the boundaries of the school. 

    To become a member of the Huntington East Middle School chapter of the National Junior Honor Society, students must:

    • Be in the 7th or 8th grade at Huntington East Middle School
    • Have and maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher as of the completion of the 1st nine weeks
    • Have and maintain fewer than 5 unexcused absences per year
    • Have and maintain fewer than 5 unexcused tardies per year
    • Have and maintain no behavioral referrals (white cards) for the school year
    • A completed application packet with a parent’s signature by the due date of the applying school year 
    • Participate in official meetings and community service activities
    • Uphold the values as set forth by the 5 pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship
    • Complete an assigned amount of community service hours per year

    If you have any questions, you should contact the HEMS chapter advisor, Ms. Perry, at amber.perry@k12.wv.us or (304)528-9508. 

    RAZE-Ms. Amber Perry Advisor, Room 802

    Meets Every Wednesday 3:15-4:15

    Huntington East Middle RAZE Crew is dedicated to spreading the facts about the risks that tobacco can present to your health. Students meet weekly, create commotions, participate in parades, and attend the Tobacco Free Day at the Capitol each year. 

    Any student can become a member of the HEMS RAZE Crew. However, as a member of RAZE, students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner as to positively represent HEMS and the HEMS RAZE Crew. 

    • Students are expected to attend meetings and have a good standing in attendance with the school.
    • Students are expected to behave respectfully and be in good standing behaviorally with the school.
    • Students will need to register with RAZE (completed in one of the first meetings).
    • Students are expected to participate in commotions and activities throughout the school year.

    If you have any questions, you should contact the HEMS RAZE Crew advisor, Ms. Perry, at amber.perry@k12.wv.us or (304)528-9508. 

    Student Council-Mrs. Brewster Sponsor, Room 703

    Meets Every Other Thursday 3:15-4:15 pm

    Meeting after school to get approval for membership. The criteria is a GPA of 3.0 and above, meets every other Thursday from 3:15-4, students must be able to volunteer a couple of Saturdays a month, and able to have fun! If you are unable to attend the initial meeting, see Mrs. Brewster in 703.